Monday, December 23, 2019

William Shakespeares A Midsummer Night’s Dream - 1973 Words

William Shakespeares A Midsummer Night’s Dream The focus of this discussion will be upon the language and performance possibilities of this extract from the Dream[1], following brief consideration of the manner in which the extract relates to the rest of the play in terms of plot development and the reflection of certain of the play’s themes. Performance aspects are considered alongside the distinctive features of the language, as it is suggested that the nature of the language employed governs performance. Broadly speaking, it is argued that while the language of the extract lends itself to a humorous performance on more than one level, in certain respects the humour seeks to convey a serious†¦show more content†¦The discussion divides the extract into three sections: the first of these covers lines 80 to 91, concentrating on Flute’s speech as Thisbe; the second covers lines 92 to 105, concentrating on Puck’s speech of lines 94 to 99. The third section considers the remainder of the extract, focu sing on the exchange between Bottom and Titania. On a superficial level, Flute’s speech has a profoundly humorous tone, derived from the patently contradictory images and the irony, with which the language used to describe Bottom, as Pyramus, is laced. Language is hyperbolic, with ‘most’ repeated four times (3.1.80 and 82). Descriptions are effusive, conflicting and present the antithesis of the Bottom known to the audience. He is ‘lily-white of hue’ and yet also ‘radiant’ and ‘Of colour like the red rose’ (3.1.80 and 81). Equally, he is described as a ‘bristly juvenile’ (3.1.82) and, unlikely in the context of Elizabethan England, a ‘lovely Jew’ (3.1.82). So unlikely and internally conflicting are the descriptions that they appear to have been chosen with the principal aim of achieving the abab rhyme scheme. The concluding erroneous reference to ‘Ninny’s tomb’ (3.1.84) has the effect of a punch line, neatly encapsulating Flu te’sShow MoreRelated William Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay935 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream A Midsummer Night’s Dream could have easily been a light-hearted, whimsical comedy. Complete with a magic forest and a kingdom of fairies, it is an iconic setting for amorous escapades and scenes of lovers. But Shakespeare’s writing is never so shallow; through this romantic comedy, Shakespeare postulates an extremely cynical view of love. A Midsummer Night’s Dream becomes a commentary on the mystery of love, and lovers in general emerge shamedRead More William Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay1591 Words   |  7 PagesWilliam Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream In William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, there are endless images of water and the moon. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

How Roles and Statuses Affect Behavior Free Essays

How Roles and Statuses Affect Behavior There is a fine line between status and role. Status is the position or a rank in a group or social structure. An example of this would be the president, Barack H. We will write a custom essay sample on How Roles and Statuses Affect Behavior or any similar topic only for you Order Now Obama. The president is a status because it is a position in a social structure; in this case, Barack H. Obama would be the president of America. On the other hand, a role is an assumed or an expected way a person should behave. For example, a mother is an assumed position where as soon as a female gives birth, they are expected to take care of the child, and thus called â€Å"mother. In Philip G. Zimbardo’s article, â€Å"The Pathology Of Imprisonment,† (pg. 140, 2011) Zimbardo wanted to simulate a prison environment and see the psychological and how the roles of the guards and prisoners develop. Zimbardo did this by creating a advertisement in the newspaper and hired two dozen young men who were at first, all on the same playing field; all of them had no criminal record, emotionally stable, normal, and were all intelligent and from middle class families. The important part about this is that the role of prisoner and the role of guard were chosen by the flip of a coin which meant that the roles were completely random and the prison environment would be the only factor in how it shaper the boys behaviors. Throughout the experiment, the boys were videotaped so that Zimbardo could observe the behavior. Very quickly Zimbardo noticed that the guards became more and more aggressive towards the prisoners, and the prisoners reacted exactly how a real prisoner would react. Zimbardo states that the guards came up with many creative ways to control the prisoners. In one case, a rebellious prisoner, who refused to eat, was in solitary, and the rest of the prisoners were given a choice, whether to let the prisoner out and give up their blankets, or keep the blankets and keep the rebellious prisoner in solitary for the night. In the end, it was every man for himself and the rest of the prisoners chose to have their blankets. The only incentive for the prisoners was the pay of fifteen dollars per day, but some had to be cut short because of their reactions to the prison environment, such as crying, depression, and insanity. It was clear that the boys who were supposed to play the role of prisoners and guards were now acting in the mindset as if their status was really the prisoner and the guard. In fact, the experiment got too realistic and Zimbardo’s two-week experiment had to be cut short to six days. In Harvey Molotch’s article, (pg. 66, 2011)â€Å"The Rest Room and Equal Opportunity,† the author argues that even if men and women have equal amount of space in the bathrooms, it does not guarantee equal opportunity in the bathrooms because of the different roles of women and men. Men can use urinals, which take up less space than toilets and women need their own private stalls because of their specific needs. The author also suggests how western culture shapes the way how women use t he bathroom, such as doing make up and gossiping. Therefore the differences in roles of women and men cause unequal opportunities even if they are given the same opportunity. How to cite How Roles and Statuses Affect Behavior, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Effectiveness and Benefits of The Communication †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Effectivenessand Benefits of The Communication. Answer: In the current business scenario, effective business communication plays an important role in maintaining and enhancing the effectiveness of the teamwork in the organizations. This is due to the fact that, the more effective will be the communication among the team members, the more effective will be the team work (Guffey and Loewy 2012). This will enable the team members to enhance their mutual understanding among themselves. In addition, initiation of the effective business communications also helps the organizations to determine the requirement of the employees and vice versa. Thus, with having the accurate data and information about the requirement and expectation of the employees, it is being beneficial for the upper level management to meet the employees requirement along enhancing their level of motivation and job satisfaction in the workplace (Waldeck et al. 2012). Moreover, it is also being considered that, ethics is one of the most influential factors that should be noted b y the company. This is due to the reason that, effectiveness of the teamwork will be maximized only when ethical principles will be followed. Thus, initiation of the effective communication channel in the organization will help to enhance the connectivity among the team members. It will eventually refrain the team members to opt for any unethical business practices. For the contemporary business organizations, effective business communication is much important due to the fact that, majority of the organizational work is being done on the basis of teamwork. Thus, having the effective team work among the internal stakeholders is important for the contemporary business organizations. The more effective will be the communication among the employees, the more knowledge will be effectively shared among the internal stakeholders, which will eventually enhance the competitive advantages of the organizations in the market (Wang and Wang 2012). This essay will discuss about the effectiveness and benefits of having the communication among the team members for the contemporary business organizations. In addition, various aspects of team work such as team effectiveness and team performance will also be discussed in this essay. The role of effective communication in maintaining the ethical principles in the team work will be discussed and evaluated in this essay. This report will conclude about the effectiveness of the communication for the team work along with its importance. Various aspects of team work There are various aspects or dimensions of team work, which should be considered by the business organizations in having the effective team work in the organization. One of the key factors that should be considered by the business organizations is the diversity in the team. According to West (2012), diversity is one of the key factors that should be maintained by the business organizations. According to the author, diversity among the team members will help the team to gather more diverse information regarding any certain issue. Moreover, the authors also stated that, with the help of the diversity among the team members, more diverse knowledge will be shared among the employees, which will in turn benefit the organization. Importance of leadership Another dimension of the teamwork that should be maintained by the business organizations is the effective leadership quality. According to Braun, Peus, Weisweiler and Frey (2013), leadership plays an important role in enhancing the effectiveness of the team. According to the authors, one of the most important roles being played by the leaders is to maintain the consensus among the employees. Moreover, it is also the responsibility of the leadership to design and initiate the organizational culture and structure, which will be most suitable and effective for the team relationship. The authors have also stated that, it is the key responsibility of the leaders to motivate their team members in enhancing their effectiveness in the organization. The more motivated will be the team members in accomplishing their respective job, the more effective will be the achievement of the organizational objective (Avolio and Yammarino 2013). Conflict management Another dimension of the team work is the team conflict. It is the only negative dimension of the entire concept of the team work. According to this concept, majority of the organizational teams will face conflict due to the emergence of the difference of opinion among the team members. All the team members will come up with different opinions and thus, a conflict will arise. Thus, it is important to have effective communication among the team members in order to reduce the probability of the origination of the conflict. According to DeChurch, Mesmer-Magnus and Doty (2013), effective management of the conflict in the team is important to have the maximized productivity and effectiveness of the team work. According to them, it is the responsibility of the team members to adjust with the opposite opinions and suggestions of other team members. The authors also stated that, the team leaders should also play an important role in maintaining the consensus among the team members, which wil l help the team to prevent the issue of difference in conflict. Thus, according to them, the more effective will be the consensus among the team members, the more effective will be the team performance. In this case also, communication plays an important role due to the reason that, if the communication among the team members is effective, only then the opinion and suggestion of the members will be effectively communicated among the other team members (Goetsch and Davis 2014). Thus, if all the team members are having the access of the opinions and suggestions of other members, then the team leaders can gather the information from all the team members regarding the building of consensus. Communication and teamwork In the modern organization teamwork is one of the major factors for gaining competitive advantage and increasing the productivity of the organization. Businesses require people to work as a team so that different perspectives are essential for developing a perfect solution for the organization. There are lot of benefits involved in working together, which includes the possibility of developing friendship with the colleges in the organization. the responsibilities in the organization can be distributed accordingly and increase the motivation level of the workforce in the organization (Gluyas 2015). On the contrary, team work may lead to anxiety and tension in the organization due to the lack of ineffective communication in the organization. Thus, it can be seen that communication is one of the major factor for the improving teamwork among the workforce. When the communication in the organization is effective it will help to reduce the negative feelings and stress. Thus, it is the resp onsibility of the leaders in the organization to encourage the people so to communicate with each other to improve the processes. This is more important and prevalent in the small-scale organization that the large scale organization (Bovee, Thill and Raina 2016). However, that does not mean that there is no significance of communication in the small-scale industries in the multinational organizations. Thus, the multinational organization often uses team-bonding exercises to improve the communication and motivation of the workforce. It is the essential to keep an open mind if they want to develop an effective communication in the workforce. The workforce would have to engage in active listening processes and have a clear understanding of the requirements and the project goals. However, out of all the essential factors active is the most essential for developing communication fluency within the workforce. The use of active listening will help in asking questions that are relevant, taking notes and repeating the things said by a person so that it can be clarified. When the team members within the organization are able to ask questions to each other by keeping an open mind and engage in communication, then they are able to built trust and harmony in the environment of work instead of making in assumptions in the procedures (Goetsch and Davis 2014). Thus, this will help to develop an environment of business that is full of motivation and camaraderie. These will ensure the success of the business processes in the org anization. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the company to provide training and development procedure for personal growth and development of interpersonal skills. The various types of communication that is being used in the organization procedure will include phone conversations, emails, face-to-face conversations and letter writing (Shockley-Zalabak 2014). However, it is important to develop a communication system which is two way so that the flow of information flows from and to all levels of hierarchy. This will enable the workforce to align their personal goals with that of the goals of the organization. However, it is essential for the managers in the organization to identify the employees lacking in communication skills so that the organization can focus on their personal development. Teamwork, communication and ethics The stakeholders of the organization expect the workforce to behave in a consistent manner so that their personal goals are in alignment with the goals of the organization. The organizations set standards for proper conduct in the business, which means that the company officials expect a certain degree of behaviour from the workforce. Thus, the organization has set a standard for behaviour in the organization (Levitt 2015). Moreover, it is essential to create a positive attitude towards developing a standard in behaviour among the workforce assist helps to improve the quality of the environment and increase the productivity. This will ensure to create a productive environment, which is essential for conducting business in a proper way. Respect and communication is the factor for marinating the standard ethics within the workforce. It is the duty of all the employees to respect each other and give value to the opinions of their colleagues. The workforce environments in the multinational organizations have become diverse so it important to respect each other cultural values and understand it by communicating in an effective manner (Ferraro and Briody 2017). When there is discrimination in the workforce due to cultural differences, it leads to the decrease in the workforce of the organization. Thus, by promoting harmony and respect within the workforce it improves team bonding, communication and improves the productivity of the organization. Thus, it is the duty of the employees in the organization to maintain cooperation and team work in a dignified way so that the workforce environment sets examples for he other companies in the market. It is essential to develop a positive attitude among the employees within the organization as it helps to motivate the other employees in the organization. Thus, the manager should lead by examples by being honest with the employees and share their perspective with effective communication. This would motivate the workforce and develop a mutual respect for the leader (Martin and Ciurzynski 2015). Moreover, it is essential to maintain the ethical practise due to the increase in the cross-cultural diversity in the workforce. However, it is the duty of the employees to follow the rules ad regulation regarding ethical aspect but the managers will have to monitor them so that they can identify the wrongdoing in the organization. Unethical behaviour and immorality are the two factors, which sh ould be avoided by the organization as it causes distraction and sets bad examples for the other employees. Unethical behaviour of one employee will affect the entire workforce and de-motivate them. Thus, the organization should be strict about the ethical policies within the organization so that they can maintain the harmony within the organization (Casmir 2013). The employees should be provided proper training regarding the ethical aspect in the workforce to make them understand the consequences of their behaviour which will enable them to grow at a personal level and guide the other employees in the organization to avoid any unethical behaviours that will hamper the productivity of the workforce and the organization. Conclusion Thus, from the above discussed points, it can be concluded that, in having the effective team work in the organization, communication plays an important role. Various literatures are being discussed in this essay in order to gain an understanding about the opinions about the effectiveness of the communication. In this essay it is being evaluated that, to effectively manage the team work, it is important to enhance the communication channel in the organization. Moreover, various other dimensions have also being discussed in this essay. These dimensions are being discussed due to the reason that, it helped to determine and identify the factors that should be considered by the business organizations in enhancing the effectiveness of the team work. Thus, this essay concludes that there are various factors and aspects of the team work in the contemporary business scenario, which should be maintained holistically by the business organizations. Effective business communication among the tea m members will help to enhance the process of the knowledge sharing among the employees. References Avolio, B.J. and Yammarino, F.J. eds., 2013. 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